Here’s some information about low back pain and learn what you can do at home when you are currently experiencing low back pain or sciatica.
What is low back pain?
Local pain between the 12th rib and the hip bone. It can also be neurological pain, which is a referral pain that goes down the leg.
The most common causes of low back pain are muscular strain, skeletal, and nervous system.
Do I have Sciatica?
Sciatica is basically leg pain.
Sciatica comes from the “sciatic nerve” which travels from the low back into the legs. A true sciatica is impingement of this nerve, most commonly as it travels under or sometimes pierces the piriformis muscle.
Your leg pain could or may also come from the disc, joint, ligament, muscle, or bone.
In order to get a proper treatment, you must see your doctor for a diagnosis to figure out the root cause of your pain.
What can you do at home?
If you have low back pain, you can apply ice or heat. After a day of rest, start moving to increase circulation in the area to speed up the healing process. Your doctor might prescribe anti-inflammatory or muscle relaxant for temporary pain relief.
It is important to come in for an assessment to get proper diagnosis with a proper treatment plan. Sometimes, exercise may exacerbate your pain.
Why get treated?
Most of the time, conditions have a “natural history”. This means it will get better over time, but it can take a long time.
It is important to get treated to shorten this time frame, get educated and learn what caused it, prevent or minimize future episodes, and learn about your body.
#lowbackpain #painrelief