If you are considering trying massage therapy, here’s what to expect on your first visit. Many people believe that massage therapy is a great way to relax, and while that is true, there are also many other benefits to receiving massage therapy. Massage has been used for thousands of years for reasons such as pain relief, relaxation, stress and anxiety reduction, and overall well-being improvement.
***What to do before massage treatment? ***
Before booking your massage, it's important to visit the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario (CMTO) website to find reputable and licensed massage therapists in your area. They should hold the title RMT, and if you plan to use insurance benefits, ensure they are on the providers’ lists and not flagged for fraud by checking with your insurance provider.
Before your appointment, it's best not to eat a heavy meal as a full stomach can be uncomfortable when lying down. A light snack is fine, but avoid a heavy meal within an hour of your appointment. You'll need to fill out an intake form, as it's mandatory in Ontario to ensure there are no contraindications to your treatment. Inform your RMT if you have any serious health conditions.
***What to expect during massage? ***
On the day of your massage, you'll have an interview with the massage therapist to determine your treatment plan. You can also communicate your preferences, such as whether you want a relaxation massage or if you want the focus to be on pain relief. Communication is crucial in massage therapy. Your RMT will also explain how the treatment will proceed. You can undress to your comfort level, but most people remove their shirt and pants during their treatment. You will be covered most of the time, and only the areas being treated will be exposed. You can keep your underwear on if you prefer.
***Is massage painful?***
Massage shouldn't be painful if you're receiving a relaxation massage. You can communicate the type of pressure you prefer with your RMT. If you're experiencing muscle aches and pains and want your RMT to work on your condition, you might feel some discomfort. If it's your first time getting a massage, you might feel some soreness after your treatment, which is normal. After a relaxation massage, you may feel relaxed, tired, and sleepy.
***How long is the massage session? ***
For your initial visit, a 60-minute massage is recommended due to the initial interview and assessment portion of the treatment. However, massage durations can vary from 30 to 90 minutes.
***What not to do before massage? ***
Before your massage, avoid drinking alcohol, taking illegal drugs, marijuana or CBD oils, and strong pain medications, as they can impair your decision-making and pain perceptions. In Ontario, you will be denied treatment if you smell of alcohol or high on drugs.
If you still have any questions, you can speak to one of our massage therapist for further clarification.